by baileylawfirm | Feb 11, 2024 | News, Serious Injury
It’s expected over the course of the next two decades there will be millions of autonomous vehicles on our roadways. As vehicles transition from fully-driver controlled to fully-automated, there are changing legal considerations. Driverless vehicles current...
by baileylawfirm | Dec 13, 2023 | Business and Corporate Law, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Estate Planning, Medical Law, News, Real Estate Law, Serious Injury
Lori Valdez of Stand up with Lori interviews Jenna Bailey.- The Passion- The Secret Sauce- Voice of Injury...
by baileylawfirm | Oct 25, 2023 | Medical Law, Serious Injury, Uncategorized
Our elderly population should be respected and cared for. As the needs of the elderly become too much for themselves or loved ones to handle, families rely on the care of professionals. Families trust nursing homes, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities with...
by baileylawfirm | Oct 23, 2023 | Business and Corporate Law, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Estate Planning, Medical Law, News, Real Estate Law, Serious Injury
Bailey Law Firm monitors the experience we provide to clients, whether a business case, personal injury case or estate planning. We are in a constant state of providing the highest value and understand our interactions can influence on a much larger scale at any...
by baileylawfirm | Sep 20, 2023 | Business and Corporate Law, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Estate Planning, Medical Law, News, Real Estate Law, Serious Injury
At Bailey Law Firm were Inspired by Innovation.Contact us today for a...
by baileylawfirm | Sep 14, 2023 | Business and Corporate Law, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Estate Planning, Medical Law, News, Real Estate Law, Serious Injury
Jenna Bailey of Bailey Law Firm talks about intentionally straying away from a “stuffy” law firm environment to provide a comforting and friendly...